martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Downfall of civilizations

All those buildings marvel our imaginations.
We atribute magical and inconmensurable knowledges to the civilizations that erected all those pyramids, ziguraths, strange lanes in the land.
 Probably -we thing- they came from the stars, they had the keys of the universe, they enjoy the perfect harmony with the nature and with the spheres.
They -we assume- were peaceful, mistical people, worried by the enhancement of the human capabilities, enlightened by the spirit, respectful with nature, with humans, with peace 
My cronical pesimism avoids me to agree with those fancy theories.
Any civilization has been interested in the surrounding nature,
their maximum achievement has been to understand its cycles to try to extract more products in less time with the minumum of effort.
Civilizations decayed one by one
and brought us their dust, their carved stones, their pride and their sadness
If we look closely, we are in the same route

Totonocan pyramid (around 1200 bC) and Persian guy (with a 3000 aC background)

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